Illuminating the Dark with True Colors

As I stood beneath the swirling tapestry of the Aurora Borealis last night, awash in rich pinks, purples, blues, and greens, I found myself inexplicably drawn to the melody of Cyndi Lauper's "True Colors." It was a song that once echoed through my teenage years, and now, in the midst of the menopause transition, its lyrics resonated with a newfound depth of meaning.

For many women, the menopause journey can be a tumultuous passage, marked by physical changes, emotional turbulence, and a profound sense of loss. It's a time when the familiar rhythms of life seem to falter, and the future looms uncertainly on the horizon. In the midst of this darkness, it's easy to feel adrift, as if we've lost sight of who we truly are.

Yet, as I gazed up at the celestial dance above me, I couldn't help but feel a surge of hope welling within my soul. The Northern Lights, with their ethereal beauty, seemed to whisper a message of encouragement from the depths of the universe itself. It was a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is light to be found – if only we have the courage to seek it.

And so, as the strains of "True Colors" filled the crisp night air, I felt a profound shift taking place within me. It was a reminder that the menopause transition is not simply an ending, but also a new beginning – a chance to embrace the full spectrum of our experiences and emerge stronger, wiser, and more radiant than ever before.

In the midst of the menopause journey, it's easy to lose sight of our own true colors – the unique essence that makes us who we are. But as Mother Earth demonstrated to us last night, it's precisely in those moments of darkness that our light shines brightest. It's a reminder that we are not defined by our age or our physical bodies, but by the depth of our hearts and the richness of our experiences.

So let us rise, my sisters, and embrace this menopause transition with open arms. Let us allow the light within us to shine brightly, illuminating the path ahead and guiding us toward a future filled with possibility. And let us remember, above all else, to be true – true to ourselves, true to our experiences, and true to the wise women we are becoming. For it is only in embracing our true nature that we can fully illuminate the darkness and emerge stronger, brighter, and more wiser than ever before.

The Dalai Lama has often emphasized the importance of compassion, empathy, and the role of women in creating a more compassionate world. He has spoken about the nurturing qualities of women and the need for their leadership in creating positive change. Change starts from within. Two wise women featured in Episode 18, All Things Menopausal podcast, discussed facing inner and outer darkness to welcome light wholly. A message I hadn’t appreciated well enough until this moment.

Last night’s reveal was like a sacred ritual of sorts. As though Planet Gaia’s wise counsel, Aurora, poked down from the ski and tapped the midlife women on the shoulder and whispered, “It’s time!”

IIndeed, it is time. Time to do the work to heal the planet and bring light to all humankind.

“And don’t be afraid. Your true colours are shining through, like a rainbow!”

Learn how to illuminate your true expression of wisdom with confidence, vitality, and grace. Book a free consultation, today!

Mary Lee

Mary, a retired Canadian Armed Forces senior officer of 24 years, was a PR practitioner and worked in various industries post military service including life sciences and healthcare. With a passion for fitness spanning three decades, she noticed a lack of support for women experiencing perimenopause.

Combining her experience in science communication and driven by personal encounters with misogyny and misinformation, Mary embarked on a mission to debunk myths surrounding women's health. She became a certified Menopause Doula through the Doula Training Center, Toronto, and created a business, Emme Elle Coaching, to educate and empower women through their menopausal transition. Mary uniquely incorporates her RYT-200, H.I.I.T., Barre, and Chakra Balancing teacher experience with her coaching strategy to further empower clients with holistic practices to manage symptoms while strengthening their physical wellbeing.

In addition to coaching, Mary is a licensed Menopause Champion through Menopause Experts Group and brings menopause awareness to corporations and advocates for employee accommodations and policies to support female employees in the workforce.

As the host of the All Things Menopausal Podcast, Mary provides a platform for experts to discuss all aspects of menopause.


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