Embracing Gemini Season: How the Sun in Gemini Energizes Midlife Women

As a Gemini and a dedicated chakra energy practitioner, I find this time of year particularly invigorating. The transition into Gemini on May 20th not only resonates deeply with my own astrological sign but also aligns with the vibrant energies I work with daily.

In this article, I'll explore the essence of Gemini, its influence on feminine energy in midlife women, and the powerful connection to the Heart Chakra, all through the lens of my personal and professional experiences.

As the sun moves into Gemini, we enter a period marked by curiosity, versatility, and communication.

Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, and speed. This transition brings a lively and stimulating energy that encourages exploration and adaptability.

The Essence of Gemini

Gemini is an air sign, known for its intellectual and communicative strengths. Represented by the Twins, this sign embodies duality and the ability to see multiple perspectives. Those born under Gemini are often curious, sociable, and quick-witted. They thrive on variety and are always eager to learn and share information.

Key qualities of Gemini include:

  1. Curiosity and Intelligence: Geminis are perpetual learners, always seeking new information and experiences.

  2. Adaptability: They are flexible and can easily adjust to new situations.

  3. Communication Skills: Ruled by Mercury, they excel in expressing their thoughts and ideas.

  4. Sociability: Geminis enjoy engaging with others, making them natural networkers and conversationalists.

  5. Restlessness: Their need for constant stimulation can sometimes make them appear scattered or unfocused.

Gemini and Feminine Energy in Midlife Women

Midlife is a profound phase of transformation for many women. It’s a time when they often reassess their lives, careers, and relationships, seeking deeper fulfillment and authenticity. The sun moving into Gemini brings a supportive energy that resonates well with the feminine qualities in midlife women.

1. Self-Discovery: Just as Geminis are driven by curiosity, midlife can be a period of self-discovery for women. This phase of life encourages exploration of new interests, hobbies, and passions. The Gemini influence helps women embrace a mindset of lifelong learning and growth.

2. Reinvention: Midlife often comes with significant changes, whether in personal identity, career paths, or family dynamics. The adaptability of Gemini aids women in navigating these transitions with resilience and creativity. This energy supports reinvention and finding new ways to express oneself.

3. Finding One’s Voice: Gemini's gift of gab can be particularly empowering for midlife women. It fosters open and honest communication, helping them articulate their needs, set boundaries, and connect with others on a deeper level. This period can enhance their ability to express themselves authentically and confidently.

4. Community: As children grow up and careers evolve, midlife offers opportunities to expand social networks and build new connections. The sociable nature of Gemini encourages women to engage in community activities, join groups, and create supportive networks, enriching their social lives.

5. Setting Priorities: The restlessness associated with Gemini can be both a challenge and a gift. For midlife women, it can manifest as a desire to make up for lost time and pursue unfulfilled dreams. The key is to balance this energy with focus and intentionality, channeling it into meaningful pursuits.

Embracing Gemini Energy

To fully embrace the Gemini energy, no matter what you Sun signifies, midlife women can:

  • Take up a new course, read extensively, or explore subjects that have always intrigued you.

  • Practice active listening, join discussions, a community choir, join Toastmaster’s, start journalling, or even start a blog to share your experiences and expressing you authenticity.

  • Be open to possibilities and don’t shy away from new opportunities.

  • Connect with like-minded individuals, attend social gatherings, or join community groups.

Chakra Air Energy

In the realm of chakras, the Air element connects the Heart Chakra, found in the middle of the chest. This chakra is the fourth one, linking the lower and upper chakras to blend our physical and spiritual selves. It influences how we love, show compassion, and relate to others.

During Gemini season, the influence of the air element can help midlife women open and balance their Heart Chakra, fostering deeper relationships and enhancing emotional resilience. This period encourages heart-centered communication and the expression of unconditional love, both towards oneself and others, making it an ideal time for healing and personal growth.

Meditation to Open Heart Chakra

Tap into your heart centre with my FREE MEDITATION to cultivate self-love!

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Mary Lee

Mary, a retired Canadian Armed Forces senior officer of 24 years, was a PR practitioner and worked in various industries post military service including life sciences and healthcare. With a passion for fitness spanning three decades, she noticed a lack of support for women experiencing perimenopause.

Combining her experience in science communication and driven by personal encounters with misogyny and misinformation, Mary embarked on a mission to debunk myths surrounding women's health. She became a certified Menopause Doula through the Doula Training Center, Toronto, and created a business, Emme Elle Coaching, to educate and empower women through their menopausal transition. Mary uniquely incorporates her RYT-200, H.I.I.T., Barre, and Chakra Balancing teacher experience with her coaching strategy to further empower clients with holistic practices to manage symptoms while strengthening their physical wellbeing.

In addition to coaching, Mary is a licensed Menopause Champion through Menopause Experts Group and brings menopause awareness to corporations and advocates for employee accommodations and policies to support female employees in the workforce.

As the host of the All Things Menopausal Podcast, Mary provides a platform for experts to discuss all aspects of menopause.


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