Unleashing Your Mind

Natural Remedies for Brain Fog and Mental Confusion

Keys gone awol? Blank mind in the grocery store? Phone playing hide-and-seek? Yep, that's the pesky brain fog monster, causing chaos in your thoughts and memory. It can be a downright headache, leaving you feeling muddled and sometimes embarrassed.

Menopause brain fog is a real thing, and it can be quite upsetting! It refers to the cognitive changes that some women may experience during perimenopause and menopause in response to, you guessed it, hormonal changes.

But let's not panic! You're not alone in this, and you're not going crazy. So, let's take a deep breath and remind ourselves that we're still awesome, brain fog or not!

Embrace It!

It's important to approach this issue with a positive mindset. A negative attitude can not only exacerbate the issue and is also linked to other health problems such as cardiovascular disease. So, tell yourself, 'I've got this!' and embark on a journey towards a brain-healthy lifestyle.


Banish brain fog with the power of mindfulness! Meditation is like a secret weapon for reducing stress and sharpening focus, proven to tone down the fight-flight-freeze response and unleash your inner creative genius. But, don't stop there! Take a peaceful stroll in nature, twist yourself into yoga poses, or get your hands dirty gardening. Whatever floats your boat, just sink into the calm and let your thoughts settle, building a sense of rootedness and tranquility.

Rest & Breathwork

Quality sleep is a non-negotiable aspect of brain health. For optimal brain health, aim for 7-9 hours of quality snooze time every night. But if you're struggling with sleep disturbances such as hot flashes, mental chatter, or night sweats, don't fret! Try some aromatherapy, supplements, or adaptogens to help get you unwinding in no time. And, while you're at it, give those electronic screens a rest before bed - blue light can mess with your natural sleep hormones and will impact the body’s natural production of melatonin.

Take a moment to catch your breath! Mindful breathing has been a go-to for ages, helping to soothe the soul and boost physical and emotional wellness. With a few deep inhales and slow exhales, your body can click back into its optimal rest-repair-recover mode. Take the time to experiment with different techniques, until you find the perfect one to bring you inner calm and bliss.

Avoid Certain Foods

Your brain is a powerhouse, and what you eat can either help or hurt its function. Beware of caffeine, alcohol, additives, processed foods, and sugar, as they can seriously mess with your brain's mojo and sleep. A diet lacking key vitamins - magnesium, B, C, D, and Omega 3 fatty acids - can also throw your decision-making skills off-kilter. Plus, as we age, our food tolerances can change. So, to get your brain in tip-top shape, take a peek at allergy testing and chat with a nutritionist or dietitian. Optimize your diet and let your brain shine!

Create a Checklist & Get Out and Exercise

When life gets hectic, don't let those lengthy multi-tasking to-do lists slip your memory! Scribble down all your must-do tasks and necessary tools needed for the next day. Then, pop it on the fridge, bedside table, or bathroom mirror to keep those brain farts at bay and stay on top of your game.

Get your body moving to boost brain power! Movement delivers a healthy dose of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the brain, spurring on new cell growth. So, get those large muscles pumping with some heart-pumping cardio, stretch out any tension, and top it off with a flood of endorphins to keep you sharp and focused.

Talk About It

Never hesitate to seek medical advice if you believe there is more than lifestyle factors and menopause-related cognitive impairment impacting your health. Your family doctor can properly diagnose any hidden issues, troubleshoot meds, and give you the tools you need to manage symptoms.

If you're struggling with brain fog, don't despair. There are many holistic approaches to improving your mental clarity and focus. Remember to take it one day at a time and celebrate every victory, no matter how small.

If menopause is leaving you with more questions than answers, don't sweat it! A Menopause Doula is the expert you need in your corner. With a wealth of knowledge and resources, she'll help you navigate every stage of the menopause maze.

Don't hesitate to reach out and book a consultation today - it could be just the thing you need to kick those pesky symptoms to the curb!

Snag my cheat sheet jam-packed with these tips, ready for those moments when brain fog strikes. It's free! It’s a no-brainer, just click the link!

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